We Create Inclusive Communities where connection inspires discovery, and ALL people can flourish
Calgary Seniors is a bold and visionary leader that is trusted and relied upon to provide essential and urgent services to older persons facing age-related challenges in Calgary. For over two and a half decades we have blended social work when appropriate, urgent supports when needed, and coordinated a network of volunteers who provide the depth of care and connections that create meaningful and effective change in seniors’ overall well-being and quality of life.
What makes us so unique is that we effectively combine social work/outreach with volunteer programming and community engagement. Not only do we assist in crisis situations, but we provide ongoing support to ensure older persons are supported appropriately, long term. We accomplish all of this through the hard work of our dedicated staff, including a team of registered social workers and volunteer coordinators, as well as the time and effort of thousands of volunteers.
In Memory of Darrel Janz​
The staff and Board of Directors are mourning the loss of a friend of Calgary Seniors, and we extend our deepest condolences to Darrel’s family.
Darrel was the guest speaker at the 2023 One for the Ages Breakfast. As always he was inspiring, entertaining and down to earth.
We will miss a true gentleman and Calgary icon.

Connections in the Cold: Navigating the Challenges of Winter for Older Adults
Winter in Calgary can be tough, but it doesn’t have to mean isolation or inactivity. This engaging video, created in collaboration with the Age Friendly Calgary Barriers to Winter Participation Action Group, is filled with practical tips and advice to help older adults prepare for the colder months. From staying physically active to maintaining social connections, we share strategies that empower seniors to embrace winter with confidence and warmth.
Discover ways to make the most of Calgary's winter season, stay connected with friends and the community, and find joy even in the frostiest days. Watch now and learn how to keep moving, stay safe, and remain socially engaged all season long.
September 22, 2023 @ The Palliser - Our Second Annual One for the Ages Breakfast!
On Sept 22 2023, Calgary Seniors’ Resource Society held our second Annual One For the Ages Breakfast with keynote speaker Darrel Janz.
The Breakfast is a unique opportunity for you to support Calgary Seniors and our mission to provide personalized client-centered supports, services, and connections that help Older Persons on their ageing journey.

Retirement of Our Executive Director
The Calgary Seniors’ Resource Society Board of Directors has accepted the resignation of Lori Paine, our Executive Director. Effective immediately, Annastasia Stevens and Joel Sinclair will commence as Acting Co-Executive Directors.
After almost 15 years with Calgary Seniors’ Resource Society, Lori Paine resigned as Executive Director effective May 3, 2023. The Society made numerous significant contributions to the community under Lori’s leadership, and Lori built a strong team who are ready for the challenges ahead. We greatly appreciate Lori’s many years of dedicated service and wish her the best as she moves on to new opportunities.
Queen Elizabeth II’s Platinum Jubilee Medal Presentation Ceremony - March 10, 2023, Calgary Alberta
Calgary Seniors is honored to have nominated and celebrated the achievement of 20 recipients, who received the Queen Elizabeth II Platinum Jubilee medal on March 10, 2023.
These 20 individuals are well-deserving of recognition for their amazing contributions to our community and commitment to serving older people in our city.

Our COVID-19 Response
Calgary Seniors is committed to keeping our clients, volunteers and staff safe and healthy. We care deeply about the well-being of our people, and we are ensuring those who need help get it quickly and effectively.
Although our office is closed to walk-ins, we are open by appointment only depending on the circumstances and are available by phone or email anytime. We will continue to implement new strategies to reach those seniors who are most at risk, enabling them to receive critical social, emotional and practical support during the current state of restrictions and the uncertainty they bring.
Calgary Seniors adheres to all mandatory AHS guidelines - sign-in protocols, mask-wearing and hand washing/sanitizing policies, social distancing and constant disinfection of shared spaces.
As leaders in volunteer mobilization and community outreach, Calgary Seniors is adapting our service delivery to continue to provide critical supports for seniors.